Google Classroom

Teacher Tech with Alice Keeler

32 Videos to Get Going in Google Classroom

Videos in the list:

1. Create a Class in Google Classroom

2. Create an Assignment for Google Classroom

3. Customizing the Class Header in Google Classroom

4. Create an Announcement in Google Classroom

5. Join a Class in Google Classroom

6. Students add an announcement to the Stream for Google Classroom

7. The About link in Google Classroom

8. Add Resources to Google Classroom

9. Students locate class materials in Google Classroom

10. Class comments in Google Classroom

11. Add a co-teacher in Google Classroom

12. Removing a student from Google Classroom

13. Display the Class Code in Google Classroom

14. Locate the Google Drive folder for your class in Google Classroom

15. Every assignment in Google Classroom has a folder in Google Drive Google Classroom

16. View student work in Google Classroom

17. View student work tiles in Google Classroom

18. Sorting options for assignments in Google Classroom

19. Students can add documents to an assignment Google Classroom

20. Give feedback and assign a score in Google Classroom

21. Use the feedback comment bank in Google Classroom

22. What happens in Google Classroom when you return without a score? Google Classroom

23. View a students assignment history in Google Classroom

24. Students resubmit an assignment to Google Classroom

25. Important, the student Your Work page in Google Classroom

26. Students viewing comments left by their teacher in Google Classroom

27. Move items on the Classwork page in Google Classroom

28. Give assignment feedback in Google Classroom

29. Using the feedback comment bank in Google Classroom

30. Returning student work in Google Classroom

31. Students review their student status in Google Classroom

32. How can students know they have completed their work in Google Classroom